Friday, November 14, 2008

rajesh as a social animal

computers are like AC,
they stop working when u open windows!!

I am a very ordinary guy with ultra ordinary desires. As far as my Academic Status goes, right now, i am pursuing B.Tech in Information Technology(3rd Sem). these are just my struggling days..., . Just fighting with my self. I do understand THE LANGUAGE OF WORLD( The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho).
I am a great fan of Movies, Internet and Hindi & English Literature.
I am a Linux Enthusiast
I'm Mad, Crazy & Passionate about COMPUTERS, especially LINUX & other OpenSource products & technologies.
As far as rajesh as a Social Animal is concerned, I am some what Shy but Straight Forward Person. Some people also call me Introvert. I just belive in Humanity: Just help some one, if you can.
I'm Simple, OpenMinded & Friendly Ambivert. I'm Humorous, Naughty & Funloving person with a Helpful nature & some Caring attitude. Sometimes I'm Mysterious & Unpredictable. I'm a very Technology Savvy person.
I do feel that
Life should be as simple as a simple poetry.
There must be transparency in relationships.
You must not always think about yourself, u must be selfless sometimes.
A Bitter Truth: I don't have any reasons to smile::

I am a very down to earth person and always pray god that I may maintain it.RAJESH


Anmol More said...

jsut see the world around would get many reasons to smile

Ashish Gourav said...

hmmmm... keep smiling and be an extrovert

arvind prabhakar said...

great words rajesh....

but 1 thing i didnt get dat y u dont hav ny reasons to smile....

nd the sentance"i am very down to earth prerson..." it sounds ..smthing differnt...just awsome....

i am a great fan of linux n opensource too,..keep scripting brother...

rajesh ray said...

@ anmol
thanks buddy .....vry vry thank u 4 ur support .....keep reading
@ ashish sir
thanks sir .... u know i m gr8 fan of urs .... thanks 4 ur support

@ arvind prabakar
thanks bro.....keep reading.. all due 2 ur support i m writting

Anonymous said...

hey rajesh ....awsum yaar.... i didn't know that u write so well....kaha se sikha yaar ...

Anonymous said...

ummmm......nice words

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